If we were to name one single irritating factor which drivers in a big city hate most, it would probably be the traffic jams and the scarcity of parking spaces. It is little wonder as, after all, the number of parking spaces seems strikingly smaller than the number of cars which move in the urban space. Also, the parking manoeuvring itself is hardly the most pleasant exercise, especially if we strive to utilise every available bit of a space. So read our tips on how to make your parking experience in a big city somewhat easier!
The art of parking is a complicated one, and especially so in big cities as they suffer parking spaces deficits and every little bit of a space matters there. Also, high curbs, poles and posts, or not enough distance from adjacent vehicles: it is merely a handful of examples of what makes drivers mad. And no wonder, since a high curb can damage the chassis, an odd pole is a risk of a scratch, and sometimes you will be unable to enter your own car because of onther vehicle parked door to door to yours!
Some drivers get additionally stressed when they are aware that someone is watching them manoeuver. If you aren’t able to park stress-free when you’re being watched, it seems worth investing in special sensors which will help you cope with parking space limitations. Increasingly, such support systems get fitted into cars as standard fit-out, and rightly so, as such equipment definitely facilitates parking and, above all, increases safety. Parking sensors come in a variety of models but the basic difference between them is only the number of detectors fitted, and the way of warning the driver of an obstacle.
Another useful gadget to fit could be a special reversing bulb which produces a warning sound. This is surely the cheapest addition which you could have to increase the safety of reverse parking. This is how it operates: an ordinary 12 volt bulb is combined with a very popular P21 thread, and is simply equipped with a loud sound emitter which will go off every time a car is in the reverse gear. This simple and helpful solution costs only a few dollars.
Sensors and back-up bulbs are the additions surely worth making an investment into. If someone thinks that it is not all which should be done, there exist other solutions, too. Checking nearby car parks is one of them, as they may be just easier to park there, or examining smaller side streets and car parks which are well-connected to down town. Big cities will surely have a multitude of private car parks for not overly priced monthly subscriptions.
Alternatively, you could make your parking experience easier by downloading a special app to your smartphone. One of such apps is winkPark, which by engaging the drivers community helps finding available parking spaces. This innovative solution enables stress-free parking, and also helps save time and money. All you have to do is to open the application, check for available parking spaces in your vicinity, and agree with the other driver the time to swap places with him/her. winkPark also enables you to mark free places as you notice them on route. The app works like other social media, and the more winkPark users, the simpler parking is!
So, finding an available space and effecting safe parking manoeuvring doesn’t have to be a problem. There exist many options; just choose the one which works best for you.